Product List Overview

Product List Overview

(AT) Atlantic Pharmaceuticals Low-Phos tab. (Calcium Acetate)

(BS) Bharat Serum & Vaccines Pvt. Ltd. Ampholip 10 mg / 50 mg / 100 mg, Amphonex 50 mg, Bharglob 16.5% 2 ml., Equirab inj, Foliculin (FSH) 75 iu / 150 iu, Histoglob inj, Humog (HMG) 75 iu / 150 iu, Hp Hucog (HCG) 2000 iu / 5000 iu / 10000 iu., Luprodex inj, Primigyn PFS 3ml, Snake venom anti serum, Tetglob 250 iu / 500 iu, Thymogam, Rhoclone (Anti- D) 150 mcg., Anti-D 300 mcg..

(CX) CNX Healthcare Private Limited.

(FE) Ferring GMBH. Acton Prolongatum (ACTH) 60iu/ml. 5 ml. inj,  Decapeptyl (Triptorelin) 0.1 mg, Duratocin RTS inj (Carbetocin 100mcg/ml.), Firmagon 120 mg. / 80 mg., Gestone inj / cap., Koragon HP (HCG) 5000 iu, Menopur (Pure HMG) 75 / 600 / 1200 iu., Minirin tab. 0.1mg / /0.2mg, Pentasa (Mesalazine) tab. / sachet / Rectal Enema / Suppositories, Remestyp (Terlipressin), Zomacton (Human Growth – Somatropin) 12 iu., Propess 10 mg.pressuries

(GL) Gland Pharma Ltd. Acris, Aztinam 1 gm, Cutenox (Enoxiparin) 20mg / 40 mg / 60 mg / 80 mg, Heplock 2ml,10ml, Hep-5 (Heparin), Hep-25, Neutrahep (Protamin) inj, Rocsur (Rocunium) 50mg inj, Survec(Vecuronium) 4 mg inj, Synject 20 mg. PFS

(IN) Intas Pharma ltd. (Almost All Pharmaceutical divisions)

(NE) Neon Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Adeneon inj, Anawin in, Artacil inj, Butodol 1mg / 2 mg inj., Cafneon inj., Cisartacil 10 mg / 20 mg inj., Clarineon 500 mg inj.Cort-s, Dextomid inj 50mcg / 100 mcg / 200 mcg, Cloneon inj, Domin inj, Efipress inj, Evatocin inj, Fludot 0.5 mg inj., Hypnodate, Injek 10 mg. / 1mg. inj, Justin 12.5 mg / 25 mg / 100 mg suppository / AQ 75 mg / 3 ml inj. Lablol 4 ml. / 20 ml. inj. / 100 mg tab., Levo Anawin inj, Lox 2% inj. / Spray / jelly / with Adrenaline / ointment / 4% Tropical, Viscous oral, Loxicard inj, Lubic Jelly, MCT-Rof 10 ml  20 ml / 50 ml., Mezolam inj,, Milrineon inj. Mucyst inj 2ml / 5ml, Myostigmin 1ml. / 5 ml. inj, Neocuron inj,  Neomol 170 mg / 250 mg / 80 mg suppository, Neorof inj, Neodrol 40mg / 125mg / 500mg / 1gm, Neovec in 4mg / 10mg, Nipcare 20 gm tube, Nitroplus 25 mg. inj., Norad inj 2ml / 4ml, Potcl inj, Phenpres inj., Prilox Cream, Primaxo 40 mg / 80 mg inj., Pyrolate inj, Rocunium inj, , Ropin inj,  Sucol inj, Supridol 100 mg suppository, Terlion (Terlipressin) inj, Termin 40 mg. inj.,  Thiosol inj 1gm / 500mg, Tropine inj, Vanking (vancomycin) 250 mg / 500mg / 1gm, Vasocon inj, Vitaneo D3 sachet / 5 ml., Zepoxin 40 mg inj.

(PB) Panacea Biotec Fosbait tab. 250 / 500 mg , Mycept Tab. 250 / 500 / S-180 / S-360, Pangraf cap. 0.5 mg / 1 mg / 5 mg. Pangraf cap 0.5mg / 1mg / 2mg / 5mg, Panimun Bioral 25, 50,100 mg cap./ syrup. (Cyclosporin)

(RE) Reliance Lifesciences Abcixirel, Alburel 20% (Human Albumin), Denosteorel 60 mg / Heparel 100 iu / 200 iu, Immunorel (Human IVIG) 0.5 gm / 1 gm 2.5 gm / 5 gm / 10 gm, Relipoietin 2000 iu / 4000 iu / 6000 iu / 10000 iu PFs. Releiseal 0.5 ml / 1 ml kit, Rituxrel-RN  inj 100mg / 500mg., Soamtorel 5 mg / Tencterel 40 mg, Trastruel 440 mg, 

(SP) Samarth Pharma Ltd. Actide 50 mcg / 100 mcg inj, Adrenor 2 ml inj, Aldopam inj, Alpostin 500 mcg inj, Amicor inj, Anobliss cream, Asklerol inj, Atracis 5 ml / 10 ml, Atrapur 10 mg / 50 mg inj, Axovir 250mg / 500mg inj, Bal inj, C-Pressin inj / PFS, Caprin (Heparin), 5000 / 25000 / 10 ml. Flush, Carnosin 6 mg / 2 ml inj, Distinon 60 mg tab, Dixin inj / tab, Dobustat 250 mg inj, Duron inj, Endace tab 40mg / 160mg, Endocryl 0.5 ml / 1 ml, Esocard, Fenoxene cap / inj, Floricot 100 mcg tab, Frenin inj, Furoped syrup, Hamostat inj, Hison 10mg / 20mg / 5mg tab, Isolin inj. Kenadion 0.5 mg / 1 ml inj / tab., Leucorin 15 mg / 50 mg inj / 15 mg tab, Licolate inj, Lobet 4 ml / 20 ml inj, / 10 mg tab., Mucomix 1 ml / 2 ml / 5 ml inj / tab., Nalox, Nitrocin 25 mg / 50 mg inj, Milicor inj, Penicitin cap, Plegiocard inj,Poly-B 5 lakh / 7.5 lakh unit, Prota 50 mg inj, Samvec 4 mg. inj., Solet 40 mg tab, Terlistat inj,  Urotone 25 mg / SR 75 / DS tab.

(SI) Serum Institute Of (I) Pvt. Ltd. Gene vac (Hepatitis-B) inj 0.5ml /1ml / 10ml, Rabivax-S inj, R-vac, Sicriptin tab 1.25mg / 2.5mg, SII Somastin 3 mg, SIphen 50mg tab, Tresivac,

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